2018 Scholarship Award Program Announcement
Applications are now available at both Separate & Public High School guidance office. Application forms are also available by contacting UFCSAH Secretary Elena Tanglao at ufcsah1@yahoo.ca or call 905-575-8221.
Please mail completed form along with other required information to: Elena Tanglao, Secretary, UFCSAH, 705 - 1205 Fennell Ave. East, Hamilton, Ontario, L8T 1T1. You will be notified of the receipt of your application via email. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED AFTER JULY 31, 2018 WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. FINAL, COMPLETE, OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS AND DIPLOMAS MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN JULY 31.
2017 Scholarship Award Program Winners
2016 Scholarship Award Program Winner
2015 Scholarship Award Program Winners